TubeBuddy Review 2022: An Honest take on TubeBuddy, get more views & subscribers YouTube

What is TubeBuddy? TubeBuddy Review 2022

TubeBuddy is a tool and a browser extension that helps YouTube content creators to optimize their channel and videos. These days video and YouTube are synonyms and content on YouTube can bring more views if it is optimized properly. Tubebuddy provides its users with data and insights about their channel, a few good tools that can help with keyword research and optimization, and the ability to manage their YouTube channel from a single central place.

YouTube algorithm keeps on changing and this tool helps you organize and manage everything from one central place. You will get to see those meaningful insights right from your YouTube dashboard, if you have the browser extension installed. TubeBuddy offers a lot more features that we are going to discuss below:

TubeBuddy Review 2022

Why to use TubeBuddy for YouTube & What are TubeBuddy features?

There are a lot of great TubeBuddy features that can help you grow any YouTube channel.

Here are some of the best features that we have pinpointed for you to decide whether it’s the best tool for you or not? You may Try TubeBuddy for free by clicking here.

  1. Keyword Explorer: Keyword explorer is one of the topmost features that you need the most while creating your video contents. With keyword explorer, you can find the keyword that may get more views. Once you enter your preferred keyword, it’ll give you ideas on the search volume, competition, and related searches that can give you an idea on the long tail keywords, ranking difficulty, and what keyword to use.
  2. Channel Backup: You can back up all of your video’s metadata. You can use them to analyze and filter the video data at later stages.
  3. Video Topic Planner: Most of the time, you can get video topic ideas from your viewers in comments. TubeBuddy comes handy here and helps you manage all your future video ideas from a central place.
  4. Video SEO: You can find some amazing tools in this portion, for example:
    1. Translator: Translate your video’s title and description into any other language to increase your audiences.
    2. Audit: The automated check comes handy that helps to audit your video and gives meaningful information.
    3. Real time tag suggestion: This is also an amazing feature, you will see the tag suggestions as you type.
    4. Opportunity suggestion: Gives you suggestions based on your video’s performances and TubeBuddy’s analysis.
    5. Metadata SEO: You can create SEO-friendly video titles, tags and descriptions that will help you rank your videos on YouTube and Google.
    6. Rank Tracker: You can track the ranking of your videos easily.
    7. Split Testing: You can test titles, video descriptions and thumbnails to see what may work the best.
  5. Thumbnail Creator: You can create engaging video thumbnails using TubeBuddy’s thumbnail creator.
  6. Update Scheduler: You can schedule the video’s title/description or thumbnail update for the future.
  7. Card Templates: You can create card templates for the future and that saves a good amount of time.
  8. YouTube Contest management: You can easily pick a winner if you are running a YouTube contest.
  9. Suggestion on best time to publish your videos. You will get suggestions on when is the best time to publish your videos. It’ll suggest when your audiences or subscribers are most active.
  10. There are a few more. You’ll need to use this tool to find out more about TubeBuddy.

Who is TubeBuddy For?

TubeBuddy is a tool and also the browser extension that is designed to help YouTube creators optimize their channels and get the most out of YouTube. Specially, there is no restriction on who can use TubeBuddy and who can not.

If you are a YouTube creator, have a YouTube account, want to grow your channel organically, and get more subscribers, then TubeBuddy is one of the mostly recommended tools. Anyone with a YouTube channel can use TubeBuddy to help them grow their channel and reach their goals. It’s quite easy to start using TubeBuddy and there are a bunch of tools available that help you get the most out of your YouTube channel.

TubeBuddy Review 2022

TubeBuddy is a YouTube SEO tool?

Yes, TubeBuddy is a YouTube SEO tool that allows you to optimize your videos for better ranking in YouTube search. It also provides you with insights and data about your channel and videos, so you can track your progress and improve your performance. Not only that, it also helps you create engaging video thumbnails, SEO-friendly meta description, titles and tags.

TubeBuddy tools can help you get more subscribers on YouTube, if you follow the guidelines properly. Whether you have an existing YouTube account or new, you can use TubeBuddy to create engaging content for your audiences. TubeBuddy helped various YouTubers to achieve their goal and significant growth on YouTube.

Tubebuddy is a great tool for YouTube that provides you meaningful SEO insights. Using the SEO suggestions and insights you can optimize your videos to rank in YouTube search results. TubeBuddy allows you to manage your channel, YouTube comments, subscribers, your videos and many more.

🤔 Do I really need it? Is TubeBuddy worth it?

There is no doubt that TubeBuddy is worth it if you are looking to grow your subscriber and audience engagement. TubeBuddy is essentially the ultimate YouTube growth hack tool that can help users increase their YouTube channel productivity tenfold. If you are serious about your YouTube channel growth, then you can consider using Tubebuddy today.

We have seen it clearly that our friends have grown their channel easily with the use of TubeBuddy and that’s the same reason why we got this tool for one of our channels.

If you don’t have a tool like TubeBuddy, you may be doing a lot of manual tasks and that may cost you more than the amount that you spend for TubeBuddy. The direct answer to whether you need TubeBuddy to grow your channel or not is truly contextual. There are some genres where you may get more audiences automatically, like the comedy genre. Even in that case, a tool like TubeBuddy can help you grow more. But if you are creating videos for a competitive niche, then TubeBuddy is an amazing tool that you need the most.

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Is TubeBuddy safe to use?

TubeBuddy does not perform any activities that are against YouTube guidelines. That is why TubeBuddy is safe and provides you with the tools that help to manage your YouTube channel. With its easy-to-use tools and features, you can quickly and easily optimize your channel for better visibility and engagement.

TubeBuddy’s extension integrates with your YouTube and can help you to publish your YouTube videos. A lot of people have already tried and tested the TubeBuddy to grow their YouTube channel. In simple words, TubeBuddy is a video SEO tool that is safe to use for your YouTube channel. You can start using TubeBuddy with one YouTube channel and if you find TubeBuddy an amazing YouTube video marketing tool, you can start using it in other channels also.

Can I try TubeBuddy for free? Are there any TubeBuddy Discounts?


Of course, you can try using TubeBuddy for free. Click on this link to try TubeBuddy for free. If you need some advanced features, then you will need to upgrade to paid plans. There are TubeBuddy discounts that you can use while upgrading TubeBuddy for YouTube. With a yearly subscription, you can save some good amount of money (20% OFF) and if you have less than 1,000 subscribers, you can use RisingStarBuddy coupon on the checkout page to get 50% off on the Pro plan.

TubeBuddy Alternatives in 2022 for YouTube video optimization

Yes, there are TubeBuddy alternatives in 2022. There are a few more, but we would like to mention vidiq here. If you are thinking of TubeBuddy or VidIQ, then our recommendation would be TubeBuddy at this stage because TubeBuddy has a lot more to offer than VidIQ. Even though VidIQ is an alternative to TubeBuddy and also a good tool for YouTube optimization, TubeBuddy works more precisely.

We have used both VidIQ and TubeBuddy and on majority of the stuffs, TubeBuddy beats VidIQ that includes pricing, analysis, user-friendliness, bulk updates, social integration etc.

Can TubeBuddy grow your YouTube channel?

Yes, TubeBuddy can help you grow your YouTube channel. It provides tools and features that can help you optimize your videos and get more views. Additionally, TubeBuddy can help you with things like keyword research and video tags, which can further improve your visibility on YouTube. Give TubeBuddy a try and see how it helps you to optimize your channel.

Best TubeBuddy Review Summary 2022

We have just started using TubeBuddy, and we will share the real time result with you in the next few months. The screenshots we have used in this article are real and from one of our channels. We will use TubeBuddy Legend to upgrade our channel. Here is our TubeBuddy Review that provides an in-depth look at the popular YouTube tool.

TubeBuddy is a powerful tool that allows users to optimize their YouTube videos for better ranking and visibility. The tool also provides users with valuable insights into their YouTube channel performance. Overall, we found TubeBuddy to be an excellent application for YouTube video optimization and recommend it to anyone looking to improve their YouTube ranking.

We have also tried a few other alternatives and our honest take on TubeBuddy was its simple yet powerful tools.

Overall, we were impressed with TubeBuddy. It is a well-designed tool that is easy to use and provides a lot of valuable information and features. In particular, we like the ability to see which keywords are being used to find your videos, as well as the option to add custom annotations.

If you are serious about growing your YouTube channel, then we highly recommend TubeBuddy. It is a valuable tool that can help you take your channel to the next level. According to our use, we recommend TubeBuddy to the creators. You can always start with the free plan and upgrade the tool as and when required.

For other app reviews, please check our review page.


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What is TubeBuddy? TubeBuddy Review 2022 TubeBuddy is a tool and a browser extension that helps YouTube content creators to optimize their channel and videos. These days video and YouTube are synonyms and content on YouTube can bring more views if it is optimized properly....TubeBuddy Review 2022: An Honest take on TubeBuddy, get more views & subscribers YouTube